
Posts Tagged ‘media’

What Else Can I Break?

October 19, 2009 1 comment

It turns out that breaking one letter on my keyboard resulted in getting an entirely new keyboard. That’s a good thing because this computer was last used by a teacher who allowed his/her golden retriever to sleep on it.  Now it’s clean!  So I’m thinking, maybe my entire computer breaks along with the 6-year-old LCD projector, my desk chair and a couple of students.  I wonder how fast we can replace all this.

In other random complains, I’ve noticed a trend in the media lately.  It really irks me.  The mainstream media now complains about stories that it reports on, claiming the story won’t go away.  I was watching the local Fox channel the other day and they lead with this: “The story that just won’t go away!  What the ‘Balloon Boy’ said on TV.”

If they want it to go away, don’t report on it.  Story dead.

They do this with every unnecessary story now.  “It just won’t die!  But you demand it! So we’ll comply!  Sorry!  But not really!”

The highlight of the morning so far:  One of my students farted up front of the classroom.  It smelled so bad that a whole bunch of students had to stand in the hallway for 3 minutes until it cleared up.  It was really bad.  So bad that I couldn’t just ignore it and tell them to behave.

Sillier thing:  “Farted” came up on spell check and it wanted to change it to “farmed”.   So then it would read: One of my students farmed up front of the classroom.  Not the same thing.

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